New Series: Women Who Inspire

Spring is the season for rebirth, renewal and expansion. During this season I am happy to announce my newest creative endeavor, an interview series focused on Women who Inspire. Each month I will share a woman who energizes and motivates me. I am co-creating with women who live a life outside the box and who share their gifts in pursuit of a better world for their children's children. These EXTRAordinary women are in service to themselves, their families, their communities and Mother Earth.

To inspire means to breathe in. This month, I hope you find many moments to breathe it all in. I encourage you to step outside, walk the bare earth, gaze at the green fields and smell the wild flowers. Spring has sprung!

Francina Kahl is an entrepreneur and a mother of 5. It was through a painful journey of self discovery that she realized a morning cup of tea was one thing she could offer herself to promote stillness and daily ritual in her life. Through Francina's committed stillness practice she has created a growing business, Be Still Tea. Join me in listening to and witnessing Francina. Breathe her in and take a moment to see yourself in her journey.

Let There Be Peace

A peaceful planet begins with you and it begins with me. The time is now for us to take an evolutionary leap in our consciousness and acknowledge our inner commotion and how this is affecting our families, our communities, mother earth and the entire planet.

We can begin to create cultures of peace by first acknowledging when we FEEL out of peace. We are embodied beings and our actions and inner voice communicate much louder than our words. I invite you to take time to reflect on:

  1. What causes you to feel inner turmoil?

  2. Who do you not feel at peace with? Why?

  3. How do you respond to life when you do not feel at peace?

The answers to these questions heighten our awareness around the war that exists within. As we witness our inner conflicts we create space for healing and evolution. It is through the strength of our inner resources that our presence becomes a model for a more peaceful and harmonious world.