New Series: Women Who Inspire

Spring is the season for rebirth, renewal and expansion. During this season I am happy to announce my newest creative endeavor, an interview series focused on Women who Inspire. Each month I will share a woman who energizes and motivates me. I am co-creating with women who live a life outside the box and who share their gifts in pursuit of a better world for their children's children. These EXTRAordinary women are in service to themselves, their families, their communities and Mother Earth.

To inspire means to breathe in. This month, I hope you find many moments to breathe it all in. I encourage you to step outside, walk the bare earth, gaze at the green fields and smell the wild flowers. Spring has sprung!

Francina Kahl is an entrepreneur and a mother of 5. It was through a painful journey of self discovery that she realized a morning cup of tea was one thing she could offer herself to promote stillness and daily ritual in her life. Through Francina's committed stillness practice she has created a growing business, Be Still Tea. Join me in listening to and witnessing Francina. Breathe her in and take a moment to see yourself in her journey.