A Time for Connection

We are all connected. The Sun, the Moon, the Earth and the Sky are all within you. The trees, the plants, the rivers, lakes, streams and oceans are all extensions of you. Your family, friends and community are all mirrors of the life you live.

I invite you to drop into your heart this month and release any feelings or stories of separation that exist between you and the other. Between you and the earth. Between you and the sky. Between you and the universe.

Release, relax and fly free my friends.

Love and Gratitude,


Women Who Inspire: Sustainability Matters!

I am thrilled to share that this month's Women who Inspire discussion is with Kristen Victor and her daughter Madison Boger . Kristen has been living a committed life devoted to the regeneration of Mother Earth for decades. Her love and passion for the environment is written all over her lifestyle choices, her business, Sustainability Matters and advocacy work.

This mother daughter duo share facts about recycling plastic, provide an interesting perspective on bamboo, share conscious consumer choices and discuss some of the simplest ways to make changes in your home that support your family, community and the planet.

The outline of the Women who Inspire: Sustainability Matters conversation is below. Enjoy the recommendations as outlined by Kristen and Madison. We invite you to share all you have learned with your family, friends and community.

Conscious Living with Kristen Victor and Madison Talia Boger – SoCal ladies, born and raised, committed to sharing how we simply support the regeneration of Mother Earth.

Making waste reduction and conservation choices can be simple.  Companies now are making it their mission to bring products to consumers that positively impact our lives and the environment.  Created and curated to encourage daily changes that support the planet and help regenerate our relationship to it.

Lifestyle Affirmations:

·       Shop Local – grown local food, shop farmers markets, low carbon footprint

·       Shop Reclaimed, neighborhood share, upcycle, reuse and resale

·       Shop Small Business Online - Etsy

·       Eliminate single-use plastics

·       Be curious where things are made and what they are made of

 An example of curiosity:

Earth Breeze – Laundry Detergent

Mission: Striving to make the planet a priority through their regeneration and redistributions efforts through a force for good.  Packaging and laundry sheets are 100% biodegradable with zero carbon footprint.

·       Impact – Giving and regenerating are deep and transparent

·       Monthly shipping – auto-renewal

·       100% carbon neutral – offset their carbon footprint

·       1% for the planet – giving back to the planet


Water – a precious natural resource that is endangered in many places, especially SoCal.

Conservation and Reuse

·       Place a bucket in the shower/sink for water capture/use in your garden

·       Collect rain water for garden through the rain barrels.  Many cities have rebate programs.

o   https://www.bluebarrelsystems.com/rebates/

 Baby:  Certifications and Greenwashing


Honest – 100% Plant based and biodegradable diapers


Millie Moon – 100% Plant based baby wipes exclusively sold at Target


Baby Furniture: Life Cycle Analysis – how long will it last?  Will reuse extends its life cycle?

Nestig – We design furniture and décor with form and function in mind — and safety and sustainability top of mind. Every detail has intention. Most furnishings have more than one use. All are beautifully made with kindness and dedication in a family-run factory. Because we believe designing for the way we live — and want to live — is its own kind of magic.


 Baby Clothing: 

Carters Little Planet - Crafted in the purest organic fabrics and sustainable materials, Little Planet is a return to simplicity.


 Lifestyle Resources

The Good Trade – a trusted resource for vetted shopping recommendations and tips on sustainability, slow living and self- love.


Package Free – provider of the most sustainable versions of products that we use daily.  Products use zero or minimal packaging and eliminate single-use plastic from your everyday routines.  Shipping is 100% plastic free.



Pet waste bags https://doggydogood.com/

Biodegradable vs compostable:

Like degradable bags, biodegradable are often still plastic bags that have microorganisms added to break down the plastic. Compostable bags are made of natural plant starch, and do not produce any toxic material. Compostable bags break down readily in a composting system through microbial activity to form compost.

 A few of our So Cal local favorites:

Women’s Clothing and Shoes

Christy Dawn – Honoring Mother Earth


Jessica Rey – Feel as Fabulous as You Are


Rothy’s – The Future is Circular


Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice is upon us and I hope you are enjoying the expansiveness of the season while tending to your inner self. During this time of year our bodies experience an increase in vitality as we align to the solar energy available in the Northern Hemisphere. The element of Summer is fire and it is a wonderful time to fuel your inner transformation and expand into your infinite self.

As we attune to the Summer season and celebrate the Solstice on June 21st, I invite you to reflect on the following questions:
How can I listen more deeply?
What do I need in order to trust in the flow of life?

I encourage you to take time for yourself nourishing all that needs to be fed. Feel free to create your own ceremony on Tuesday guided by these questions and/or commune with a community who supports your growth and evolution.

Love and Gratitude,


New Series: Women Who Inspire

Spring is the season for rebirth, renewal and expansion. During this season I am happy to announce my newest creative endeavor, an interview series focused on Women who Inspire. Each month I will share a woman who energizes and motivates me. I am co-creating with women who live a life outside the box and who share their gifts in pursuit of a better world for their children's children. These EXTRAordinary women are in service to themselves, their families, their communities and Mother Earth.

To inspire means to breathe in. This month, I hope you find many moments to breathe it all in. I encourage you to step outside, walk the bare earth, gaze at the green fields and smell the wild flowers. Spring has sprung!

Francina Kahl is an entrepreneur and a mother of 5. It was through a painful journey of self discovery that she realized a morning cup of tea was one thing she could offer herself to promote stillness and daily ritual in her life. Through Francina's committed stillness practice she has created a growing business, Be Still Tea. Join me in listening to and witnessing Francina. Breathe her in and take a moment to see yourself in her journey.

Let There Be Peace

A peaceful planet begins with you and it begins with me. The time is now for us to take an evolutionary leap in our consciousness and acknowledge our inner commotion and how this is affecting our families, our communities, mother earth and the entire planet.

We can begin to create cultures of peace by first acknowledging when we FEEL out of peace. We are embodied beings and our actions and inner voice communicate much louder than our words. I invite you to take time to reflect on:

  1. What causes you to feel inner turmoil?

  2. Who do you not feel at peace with? Why?

  3. How do you respond to life when you do not feel at peace?

The answers to these questions heighten our awareness around the war that exists within. As we witness our inner conflicts we create space for healing and evolution. It is through the strength of our inner resources that our presence becomes a model for a more peaceful and harmonious world.

What Kind of Leader Are You?

Lately, I have been thinking about the type of leader I am and realize the answer is found in my daily practice. Since September 2020, a group from all over the world has been meditating with me almost every day from 6-6:30 a.m. pt. It has been such a pleasure to hold this space and witness everyone's beautiful growth and transformation. Through this process I have realized that my peaceful presence, intuitive powers and unwavering commitment to collective healing are characteristics that make me a great leader. I understand that I live a life outside the box and my dharma is to teach others how to do the same through daily intentions, devotional practices and self love rituals.

During this month, I invite you to reflect on what type of leader are you? I am including 3 writing prompts that can help you explore this topic. The world needs more of us!

  1. I am a leader who......

  2. My gifts are........

  3. I serve........

I'd love to hear your answers if you're called to share. Please email me at this address and have a wonderful month.



Welcome 2022!

2 + 2 + 2 equals a 6 which in numerology
represents the power of prayer and your projection. In this year we are being called to lead from the heart bringing both balance and neutrality into our lives and communities.

Remember, we are divinely supported and when we come together to pray and recharge our energy we are creating a frequency that supports ourselves, our family, our communities and this planet.

This year I am committed to acknowledging and amending any time I am contributing to separation within this world.  I will be leading from the heart and helping all to witness the abundant possibilities that exist when we free ourselves of fear and the illusion of division.

I look forward in sharing this New Year with you.  Together we can create so much.



A Time for Restoration

The Winter Solstice is approaching in the Northern Hemisphere. As we connect to nature and her rhythms we are asked to restore from the inside out. During this auspicious time of year I like to participate in practices that quiet the mind and soothe my body. My focus is on nothingness, which in yogic terminology is shuniya. Shuniya means zero, nothing, and describes a state of awareness in which the mind is brought to complete stillness and neutrality.

I find practices like journaling, sound sessions, meditation, hiking and simply laying on the bare earth help me to re-calibrate and bring myself into a place of calmness.

I encourage you to restore your sense of self with quiet practices that help build your inner capacity. As the year progresses, your visions will grow from this unlimited space of possibility.



Relax and Restore with this short yet powerful sound session. Ear phones are suggested for a deeper sound experience.

Attuning to the Season

Autumn is a season of change. As the leaves turn color and drop to the ground we too can attune to this season of year and create internal space for our deeper visions. Following nature's rhythms it is important during this time of year to integrate the last 12 months, grieve, reflect, and heal in preparation for the Winter months.

As the sun is setting today, I invite you to go outside. Take your shoes off and allow your bare feet to kiss the ground. Stand tall with your arms above your head to meet the heavens. Connect to the breeze blowing through you and visualize every cell of your being expanding with each breath. Take a moment to honor the earth below and your ancestral allies above. I invite you to find gratitude for the changing season and the transformation within you. Happy Fall!


Enjoy this special guided meditation offered by my friend Nina Mongendre-Samonov. Her offering, Journey to the Upper World offers an opportunity to meet your celestial parents and retrieve a potential destiny.

Falling Into Fall

I'm falling into Fall with an open mind and heart. This season reminds us to bring balance into our life and to strengthen our inner resources as we prepare for the dark of the Winter. As we attune to this season it is a wonderful time to express gratitude for all that we have planted and harvested over the last year.

I encourage you to find time today to close your eyes and drop into the sensation of gratitude. List all and whom you are grateful for, let animosity and fear of the unknown go and welcome in both the light and dark gifts that presented themselves this year. Join me in falling into Fall with a wide open heart and remembrance for all that we have grown through. I guarantee this process will offer you a soft landing and space for reflection. I love you!

An attitude of gratitude can change everything! Listen to a podcast I did with Lori Stohs Consulting on all the benefits of gratitude and the simple ways you can integrate it into your life. I invite you to listen today! https://www.getyourmindon.com/resources/138-attitude-of-graditude
