Stop to Smell the Roses

Have you stopped to smell the roses lately? At our home, the flowers are in bloom and the rose is imparting on us the most vibrant colors and uplifting of fragrance. It has been measured that the rose holds the highest frequency of all flowers. When you work with roses in your garden, simply hold them in your hand, or place rose oil on your body it can change how you feel. You see the human body, like everything else on this planet, is comprised of energy. Our bodies have a vibrational frequency down to the cellular level. It has been measured that a normal healthy body has a frequency of 62–72 MHz.
The higher your frequency the more healthy and happy you are, and the rose measures at 320 MHz!

In addition to roses, there are so many ways to change your frequency and operate from a higher vibration. Here are a few of my favorites:

  1. Kundalini Yoga and Meditation - This form of yoga can reduce stress, soothe and strengthen our nervous system, and calm and elevate our mind to a place of neutrality. After practicing and teaching KY & M I feel relaxed and renewed.

  2. Gong Relaxation - A gong produces a spectrum of harmonics through sound and vibration. Consider how your attitude can change when you are listening to certain music. The same concept holds true with the gong. The vibrations of the gong become their own sound current. This sound helps to remove subconscious pains, blocks, and memories that have been stored in our body and mind. Experience this at the Full Moon Flower Gong Event

  3. Exercise - Exercise in its many forms stimulates the nervous system and releases a variety of chemicals to the brain, it has been scientifically proven to help with anxiety and depression. It can also be fun and a wonderful way to unleash your creative expression. Some of my favorite forms of exercise are dancing, hiking, and biking.

  4. Nature - Experiencing nature in all her many forms has been proven to heal your nervous system and reset your energy. Take a break during your day and go lay your body down on the earth. The movie Earthing, produced by our friends Josh and Rebecca Tickell provides the science around using the earth to ground and recalibrate your energy.

I'd love to hear the daily practices you use to change your mindset and vibration. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day!
