The Best Kind of CEO

These pictures.  I love them and look at them often.  It inspires me and reminds me of my purpose.  The importance of my presence.  The sparkle in their eyes is unmatched to any past award I won or salary increase I achieved.  Would you believe just 6 years ago I was jet setting across the United States providing consulting services to Fortune 500 companies?  At times the projects were challenging but the opportunities were always vast, filled with newness and a level of excitement around what could be accomplished.  

And now?  Well, I was promoted to a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) - the CEO of our home.  This too comes with its share of challenges, newness, and many opportunities to learn and grow.  And honestly on certain days it feels more challenging than all the complex projects and frustrating clients I ever encountered.  Then there are the thoughts.  Shouldn't I be doing more? Bigger things?  Should I create projects that match my academic achievements and career accomplishments?  But then I pause. I look at the joy in the eyes of these two and remember how blessed I am to BE HERE NOW.  The thoughts dissolve and my heart widens.  That is how I know the thoughts are just the noise of the ego and I am exactly where I need to be.

Please don't misunderstand.  I loved every minute of my past accomplishments, my inspiring colleagues, clients, and all the growth I encountered during that time in my life.  And who knows what the future will hold?  But for now, I am our CEO.  A multi-talented woman who can make green juice well while buttering toast and listen to her husband while her daughters are playing in the background.  That is today's version of me and it's empowering.  As Mother Teresa says, "Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do... but how much love we put in that action."  Thank you Mother Teresa.  I am doing my best work yet.

